Tips For Buying Used Synthesizers
Here are a few tips and guidelines in case you ever find yourself buying used synthesizers (or general music gear):
1. Beware of the tell tale dodgy synth seller signs. If he/she says “I’m selling this for a friend so I don’t know much about it” – stay away. If the ‘buy it now’ price is suspiciously low – stay away. Likewise, remember all the standard seller checks – such as feedback and payment options (in the case of eBay), and check the seller out by searching for his username on the net, and asking around for his reputation.
2. Get to know the seller before hand. Ask him questions such as how long he’s had it, what does he think of it, where did it come from. Ask him to post photo’s if he hasn’t already (actual photos that is – standard promo pictures are not useful), ask him to post sound samples, even ask him to post a video of...